By Liebig34
Padovicz -represented by his lackey, Mr Wrobel and his bodyguard- did not even come in person. He does not consider an eviction title which will render 34 people homeless to be worth his time, and only sees such a culturally important house as a lucrative business opportunity.
We have already shown the court this morning what we think of the judiciary in the capitalist nation state: Nothing. What do we care what Judge Borgmann thinks about whether we are allowed to stay in our home or not?
In 2008 it was clear that Padovicz and Siganadia GmbH were only concerned with realestate speculation and accumulation of capital. Instead of individual residential leasing contracts for the entire house, the only possibility to conclude a lease contract was to be rented as one building, which compromises our tenant rights.
The fact that a community of tenants who had already lived here before was issued a commercial lease agreement for residential space and that the contractual relationship could be limited at all shows how shitty it is about residential space and how the capitalist system favours gentrification in Berlin.Our contract expired at the end of 2018. That’s all the court was interested in today.
None of our history nor our humanity played a role for the court this morning!
Justice did not matter to the court this morning!
In the last 10 years we have already paid 570,140.31 Euros rent and managed and maintained the house independently. Padovicz paid at that time only 600.000 Euro in 2008 as purchase price. Thus the purchase price has already amortized for him and the property, which is also worth much more than before. Regardless of the dirty money involved between Landlords and the city, living is a human right!
In Berlin, gentrification has taken on such drastic forms inconceivable a few years ago. Politicians and the judiciary are watching inactively and even favour the sell-out of the city. Every year there are an estimated 5000 evictions in Berlin.
While we are being subjected to such drastic measures, we must react with drastic measures!
In Liebigstraße 34 we live without cis-men. Gentrification hits members of the queer community particularly hard. Those who are generally disadvantaged in society are just as disadvantaged in the housing market. Cis men are still best paid in Germany, can more easily afford housing and clearly have these advantages. The rest of us, cast aside, rely more on solidarity and supportive communities, which is alive in the Liebig34!
Wrobel, Padovicz and Siganadia did not achieve their proposed verdict against us today! The trial was postponed to 13/12 because the people who were to represent Liebig34 in court today were arrested before the trial. This is a short-term success for the continued existence of our House. At other levels, it is a satisfaction for us to undermine the self-evident authority of the court. But since the red-red-green Senate is neither really red, nor green, the political pressure to have us evacuated will not cease.
We constantly see, even internationally, solidarity actions for the Liebig 34 and we are so grateful for every single one!
We have nothing more to lose!
We will continue to stay in our house!
We will not pay a cent more rent!
We will stay in our home and defend it to the last!
Freedom for Thunfisch, solidarity with Yildiz and other projects in danger of eviction.