Endnu to internationale kammerater er faldet i forsvaret af Rojava

Af en gruppe københavnske aktivister

Onsdag den 6. november faldt endnu to tyrkiske revolutionære internationalistiske kammerater Şehîd i forsvaret for Rojava. Sammen med mange andre kammerater har de givet livet for en bedre verden og er blevet udødelige for alle som bærer drømmen om en anden verden i hjertet. I dag lavede en gruppe aktivister i København et mindebillede for de faldne kammerater Aynur Ada og Imran Firtina.

Şehîd namîrin!
Vores martyrer er udødelige!

Wednesday the 6th of november two more turkish revolutionary internationationalists fell Şehîd in defense of Rojava. Together with many other comrades they gave their life for a better world and have been immortalized for all who carry the dream of a better world in their hearts.
Today a group of activists in Copenhagen made a memorial picture for the fallen comrades Aynur Ada and Imran Firtina.

Şehîd namîrin
Our martyrs are immortal

De faldne kammerater var begge fra Devrimci Komünarlar Partisi (Det Revolutionære Kommunard Parti – DKP) – Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri (Forenede Friheds Styrker – BÖG).
Efter de faldt Şehîd udsendte DKP-BÖG følgende statement:

Revolutionary Communars Party / United Freedom Forces Central Committee and founding member Göze Altunöz (Aynur Ada) and our fighter Yasin Aydin (Imran Firtina) have fallen martyr during the resistance against the Turkish state invasion of the territory of Rojava.”

Our comrades, who have been on the front lines from the first day against the invasion attacks carried out by Turkish colonialism and its occupation of Rojava within the Battalion of International Freedom, have become the seed of freedom as they have become immortal. They did not give way to occupation, fascism, colonialism and imperialism.

Comrade Aynur was a founding member of our Party and Women’s Union of Women’s Communes / Women’s Freedom Force. She had been a militant revolutionary and women’s liberation fighter from high school to Gezi barricades.”

Imran had been involved in revolutionary struggle in the cities of Turkey before becoming immortal in Rojava.”