“Köpiwagenplatz is here to stay, damn it!”

Action weeks and support we need from you!
We want the whole of Berlin and our international community to stand together with us in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. This can be centralised and decentralised action.
It can be anything from hanging a banner from your window, serving soli-shots in your bar, coming to our demos, or screaming the name of Köpiplatz and our fight from the rooftops.

The Wagenplatz needs your support and your presence now more than ever! We have received the date of eviction for the 15th October, but we will still not be silenced.
After a year of ups and downs, empty promises from politicians and the city, discussions in the Berlin-Mitte district politicians assembly, false hopes and crushing realities, we are still shocked by the devastating news that we will be evicted from our homes in just three weeks.

But we will continue to fight! KöpiPlatz is here to stay!

We suspected that the election would have an impact on our date. In fact, we received the letter only six days before the German elections. This conveniently takes away the responsibility of this Government and the next during the interim period.
At this point, everyday leading up to the eviction is crucial. We are sad, emotional, and ANGRY, but we are not afraid. We have been preparing for these weeks to use every available way to fight. But now is the time that we also need our friends and supporters.
With solidarity comes strength. If we plan to continue with our collective spaces in Berlin, where we live together, work together, laugh and cry together, we must also fight together! This is why we would like to call on our friends and community in Berlin and around the world to stand with us in the weeks before the eviction, to scream a message to the system that we are bigger and more powerful than they can possibly imagine.

Berlin is a city full of alternative and autonomous spaces, particularly in our beloved unruly neighbourhoods. Each one weaves something special and different into the fabric of our communities.
But this does not mean that we should be complacent, and let these spaces slip through our fingers. We should not allow our streets to become beige and uniform.
We need to stop this now before it is too late.
Wir Bleiben Alle!

Interkiezionale, an autonomous collective in solidarity with threatened projects and fighting evictions in the city, will organise the Day X demo of Køpiplatz on the 15th October.
We will need ALL of your support on this day. More information will be announced nearer the date.
We have more actions planned, keep your eyes and ears open for details. Remember, the eviction starts with the build up of the red zone 2/3 days before the Day X.
This is the time to shout louder than ever! Spread the word about these demos in your cities and on your streets. Let us come together and show that despite the endless eviction threats and attacks or our way of life, we are still here, and our anger only fuels our strength.

Action weeks and support we need from you!
We want the whole of Berlin and our international community to stand together with us in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. This can be centralised and decentralised action. It can be anything from hanging a banner from your window, serving soli-shots in your bar, coming to our demos, or screaming the name of Köpiplatz and our fight from the rooftops.

We need you to use your imaginations during these weeks and organise your own style of decentralised action. It can be as big as organising an action, a demonstration, kundgebung, or info event and workshops around this time, in solidarity with Køpiplatz and anti-gentrification. Or it can be making a video, a banner, t-shirt design, mural.. anything to get all eyes on Køpiplatz in these weeks.
In Berlin it is crucial we maintain action all over the city to keep the message alive, and also to exhaust Police and Government resources. We will not go down without a fight.

But on a larger scale, international support is equally as necessary, to make sure that people from all over the world hear of the injustices of these evictions, and how gentrification and greedy landlords are killing our cities.
Looking over the skyline of Berlin, there is a swarm of cranes and construction sites, eating the city like a plague.
The development monsters are everywhere, in cities across the world. It’s times like this that we need to show them that even when they want to bury us for our lifestyles, that do not fit in with their whitewashed city plans, we will always be the beautiful mess of weeds that will keep growing and never die.

More information
Køpiplatz and friends have organised hosts around the city to accomodate any supporters of Køpiplatz that come to Berlin to defend and fight for the Wagenplatz.
If you need somewhere to stay, or would like to support us by offering accomodation in Berlin, please contact us at sleepover@koepi137.net.​​​​​​​
For information and updates on our situation, follow our info channels at:
* koepi137.net * www.twitter.com/kopibleibt * Telegram channel:  t.me/kopinewsberlin * If you want to get in touch, or need ideas or materials, email us at: koepi137@koepi137.net

Solidaritet København – Berlin

København, d. 9. oktober
Forsvar fristederne – Solidaritet med de Berlinske husprojekter!
Lørdag, den 9. oktober, kl. 18 på Trianglen – Østerbro til den tyske ambassade , Göteborg Plads 1 – København Nordhavn * organiseret af Stop Gentrificering 




Bustur fra København: Køpi Bleibt!
Bussen kører fra Ungdomshuset kl. 10, fredag d. 15 oktober så vær der til tiden!

Stop Gentrificering og Ungdomshuset :
Den 10 Juni besluttede det rådne domstolesystem i Berlin at Køpiplatz skulle ryddes og nu har Køpi modtaget rydningsdatoen: 15 Oktober kl 10:00.

Berlins bystyre har som så mange andre steder givet køb på retten til billige boliger og ikkekommercielle frirum, hvilket blandt andet har ramt en række berlinske fristeder, der enten som queer kollektivet Liebig 34 eller undergrundspubben Syndikat er blevet ryddet i de sidste år, eller står over for en umiddelbar rydningstrussel.
Nu er turen kommet til Köpis Vognplads, hvor spekulant-ejeren med underhånds-metoder og aftalebrud forsøger at sælge grunden og dermed rive tæppet væk under tre årtier med alternative boformer.
Derfor arrangerer vi en bus til Berlin for at stille os i solidaritet med vores tyske kammerater og stille os i Forsvar for vores fristeder!
Bussen kører fra ungdomshuset kl 10 Fredag d. 15 oktober så vær der til tiden!
Billetten koster 50 kr, husk kontanter!
Husk pas og Coronapas! Ingen alkohol/rusmidler i bussen!
Tilmeld dig her: Kopiblir@riseup.net
Bussen kører fra ungdomshuset kl 10 Fredag d. 15 oktober så vær der til tiden!
Billetten koster 50 kr, husk kontanter!
Husk pas og Coronapas!
Ingen alkohol/rusmidler i bussen!
Husk snacks til turen og sovepose/liggeunderlag til dernede.
mere info kommer bl.a. via facebook
Corona info: TBA
Solidaritet er vores våben!
Forsvar Fristederne!
Solidaritetshilsener fra Ungdomshuset , sommer 2021:

”Solidarity with Rigaer94, against repression and gentrification!”

Nogle solidaritetshilsener
*Bologna *Genova * Barcelona * Thessaloniki

Dear comrades,

Two friends from Berlin brought us the news that the KOPI car park is to be evicted on 15 October. So we took this solo photo.
Here in Bologna we are no strangers to evictions. The loss of the XM24 still hurts us and the anger runs deep.
Know that you are not alone and that we are fighting together.
From Bologna to Berlin we are all antifascists!
Solidarity greetings from LÀ BAS (Bologna)

Dear squatters of the Köpiwagenplatz.
We have received the news of the imminent eviction attempt. This makes us sad and angry. We would like to send you our warmest greetings and solidarity.
Here at the Social Centre we know only too well what it is like to lose free space. We were also evicted, but we were able to occupy a new place and continue our projects. We hope that you too can stay and if not, that there will be 1, 2, many new occupations.
Fire and flame for every state!
Solidarity from Buridda (Genoa)

Greetings of solidarity from La Calavia (Barcelona)

Greetings of solidarity from Greece!






Saturday 9th October at 6pm, will be the United in Anger demo organized by Liebig 34 and Köpiplatz; exactly one year after the eviction of Liebig 34, and six days before the eviction of Köpiplatz.
We stand together in anger and solidarity, and call for action from the supporters of these historical and important structures. We must demonstrate with all our rage and power that they can try to evict our homes, but they cannot evict a movement. Bring your fury, bring your strength and bring your crew!
Start: Dorfplatz, Friedrichshain, 6pm. Finish: Køpiplatz, Köpenicker Strasse 133-136.
autonom infoservice
Berlin: Rydningen af venstreradikale frirum fortsætter (28. marts 2021)
Berlin, Rigaer94: “Let’s fighting together against the city of the rich” (18.juni 2021)